Friday, January 28, 2011

jan. 28, 2010

A Thousand Thousand Times

Under cover of footsteps returning at evening to a tower inhabited by mysterious symbols
Eleven in number the snow that melts as I grasp it in my hand
This snow i love has dreams and i am one of those dreams
I who grant to day and night as much youth as they need
They are two gardens where my hands walk with nothing to do and while the eleven symbols rest i share a love which is a copper and silver mechanism in the hedges
I'm one of the most delicate gears in earthly love and earthly love hides the other loves the way the symbols hide the spirit from me
A lost stab whizzes past the walker's ear i've stripped the sky like a marvelous bed
My arm hangs from the sky with a rosary of stars descending day by day whose first bead will disappear into the sea instead of my vivid colors
Soon there won't be anything but snow on the sea
The symbols appear at the door they are eleven different colors and their respective dimensions would make you die of pity
One of them has to bend down and cross its arms to enter the tower i hear another one on fire in a prosperous region and this one on horseback riding industry
The uncommon mountainous industry like the wild donkey that feeds on trout
The hair the long dappled hair characterizes the symbol wearing the doubly ogival buckler beware of the idea rolled along by mountain streams
My construction my beautiful construction page by page house insanely glazed in the wide open sky the wide open earth it's a fault in the rock suspended by rings from the curtain rod of the world it's a metallic curtain that comes down on divine inscriptions that you don't know how to read
The symbols have never affected anyone but me i am born in the infinite disorder of prayers
I live and die from one end of this line to the other that strangely measured line which connects my heart to the ledge of your window through it i communicate with all the prisoners in the world


  1. this sounded vaguely familiar- when I googled it I came across this quote "How teach again, however, what has been taught correctly and incorrectly learned a thousand thousand times, throughout the millenniums of mankind's prudent folly? That is the hero's ultimate difficult task."
    — Joseph Campbell (The Hero with a Thousand Faces)

  2. P.S. thanks for the blog color change!

  3. LOL linda... you didn't like my eye burning red background???? maybe sometimes it's ok that I don't intentionally hurt my audience?! But I still LOVE to, in some way, make them uncomfortable! lol :) The truth of the matter is... my eyes watered every time I tried to type a post! lol

  4. oh and the poem was from Andre Brenton, in relation to his Surrealist manifesto...I've been researching women in surrealism and the feminist (?) The word 'feminist' intrigues's always had a negative connotation attached to it for me...the more I read about it...the more my thoughts are bending. dunno. Do you have an opinion on women and feminism?

  5. I always thought of feminism as egalitarian. In practice it always seems to warp and anger people though... I read a book a long time ago called the New Victorians that critiqued the feminist movement - I liked it 10 years, not sure if I would feel the same today, but worth checking out?

  6. My feelings on feminism are the same as on most things, it a good thing when practiced in moderation. Meaning that it is trying to accomplish a good thing, and I am behind it, however, some people get so intent about it that they make mountains out of molehills (or even anthills) and lose perspective of reality. You see the same thing with many of the movements over the last 20 years or so.
