Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feb. 23, 2011

First let me say that I am sorry for all of the tech. glitches yesterday during my class. Here is the link to the last video from my powerpoint that did not show up.

Elements and Principles of Art

Secondly, Linda said something that hit home... she uses this analogy ....she said, "either you are a player or fan."

Sadly, I think I am a REALLY REALLY BiG fan of ceramics who wishes she was a playa'!

I am not willing to give up ceramics, period. I was told at the beginning of my MA carreer that I had to give it up! So the first semester I did. As you know... that didn't last.

So for now...I will be a fan trying to work it out with the mindset that oneday I will be a player. Please be patient with me. My intentions are good and like everything else I have done in my artistic career the process is slow and difficult. .... its a 'pleasure in pain' thing.

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